Tokyo 2021
これだけ広がった「東京五輪中止」包囲網! 「日本が滅びる」「五輪が放射能になった」の声続々(1): J-CAST 会社ウォッチ
Hello. Today, I will write about a news.
Recently, there are still no signs that the Covid-19 pandemic will end and some people say that we should not hold the Olympic in Tokyo in this year. I think so too because there are a huge risk that many spectators will get Covid-19. If such situation happen, the medical system will be more serious. That should not happen.
Then, should we hold it with NO spectators? I think it has no good. In my opinion, Olympic Games without spectators is not Olympic Games. Also, we cannot make up for the financial loss without spectators. So, I think we should take the plunge and cancel it or postpone it again for a few years. We cannot show that "Japan that has defeated Corona" because there are still many patients. It is the same in other countries.
However, thinking about the athletes who have really work hard so far makes me feel painful. But, it is the fact that no athlete can come to Japan comfortably. Also if their home countries are in serious situation, they are not able to come even more. In the world, a lot of countries are now in worse situation than in Japan. Many people are suffering from lack of medical supplies. This is not the time to hold festival, isn't it?
In Japan, over half of the people hope to not hold the Olympic Games. And even those who want to hold it are most likely to say, "We have to hold it because of FINACIAL LOSS."
The Tokyo Olympic have become an undesired games. WHO expected this to happen? WHO wanted this to happen? Every time I heard this sad news, I remember eight years ago, when it was decided that the Olympics would take place in Tokyo. At that moment, everyone were desiring it. Everyone really looked forward it.
I am so sad. Has Japan lost hope anymore?
I really hope, the precious daily lives that people can live with a smile.
(Thank you for reading such a long essay!)
I think many people around the world were looking forward to the Olympics...
返信削除I remember the excitement of 8 years ago too.