Today I will talk about what I did recently.
Last week, I went to a welcome party of the figure skating club. I have skated for the first time in a long time, so I cannot did it well. I fall down several times. But finally I was able to go forward fast and won the obstacle race! I really enjoyed skating on that time. I recommend you to go to the welcome party of the skating club after the prohibition period is over. Which club's welcome party did you attend? Please tell me in the comments.
Also, I have been cooking hard these days. I cooked miso soup, omelet, fried vegetables, and so on. I made only very simple dishes, so I will try difficult dishes. However, I think that it is more important that to prepare nutritionally balanced diet than to cook difficult dishes. So I may not cook difficult dishes for a while.(Actually, just because it is a hassle. lol) Anyway, I hope all of us have good diets and stay healthy!
Hi! I've never skated before, but your story got me interested in the skating club. I went to the welcome party of the tennis, outdoor, and soccer clubs. However, I'm not very athletic, so I haven't decided what club to join yet.
返信削除I think it is great that you have been cooking so hard! What is the most delicious dish you have ever cooked?
You participated a lot of welcome parties! You are so active✧
削除Of the dishes I have ever cooked, the omelet was the most delicious.
The recipe on "Delish Kitchen" is delicious. If you like, please try it too.
I only went to the welcome party of the cheerleading club and decieded to join it. If you don't decide
返信削除what club to join, please come to the cheerleading club!!
It is hard for me to cook everyday, so you are great!! I must be more like you..
I belonged to a cheerleading club when I was in high school, so I'm interested in it. I'm no sure, but I might go to the cheerleading club.
削除I didn't cook yesterday because I was tired. It's impossible for me to cook every day, too;;